Ministry at OBC happens because of you.
For over 60 years OBC has had a fruitful ministry because people all over the world have supported OBC. To all those who have prayed, donated and volunteered for OBC, a great big THANK YOU!
General Fund
We run our camps at a loss in order to make it affordable for everyone. We are extremely thankful to all those who have generously given which has allowed the Gospel be preached all summer long.
Your Time!
Come for a week or a year! Contact SEND International or us for more information.
Donations can be made in Japan through our financial institution accounts
- Japan Post Bank Postal transfer account 00100-7-7262
- Yucho Bank: Current Account (当座預金): 019 Branch, Account Number: 0007262 Account name: “Okutama Bible Chalet”
Oversea donors can donate through SEND International website (here)
or by mailing a cheque to:
PO Box 513
Farmington, MI