Okutama Bible Chalet
As an evangelical Christian ministry operated by SEND International in cooperation with
the Japan Evangelical Church Association
Okutama Bible Chalet believes and adheres to the following statement of faith:
(This statement is a translation from the original Japanese statement of faith of the Japan Evangelical Church Association.)
- The Bible, composed of 66 books in the Old Testament and New Testament, is the inspired word of God, without error in the original writings. The Bible includes all revelation necessary for salvation, and is the only unique and absolute basis for faith and life.
- God is the only unique God and from eternity has existed as the trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- God created all things. God is controlling all things by His purpose according to His absolute sovereignty. At the right time He sent His only begotten Son for salvation of sinners according to His will.
- The Lord Jesus Christ is true God and true Man, being born of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. He died on the cross for man’s sin, rose on the third day and ascended into heaven. As a High Priest He is now seated at the right hand of God and intercedes for us. He will come again bodily.
- The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, and makes us God’s child after we have been born again. The Holy Spirit dwells in believers, makes us to live in Christ in this world and creates the image of Christ in us.
- God created man in His image. Adam had a right relationship to God, but he was tempted by Satan, violated God’s Will, sinned and had to suffer punishment and death. Because of Adam’s sin, sin and death entered into the entire human race. Therefore men are sinners by nature and are under the wrath of God.
- Because of the substitutionary death of our Lord Jesus Christ, all who believe are made righteous, are born again and have eternal life by grace through faith.
- The church is the assembly of believers who were born again by the Holy Spirit through the declaring of the Word of God. The church is the body of Christ in which Christ is the Head and obeys His will, worships God, studies the Bible, receives Baptism and partakes of the Lord’s Supper. Believers serve each other, strive together for the faith of the Gospel, work toward the spread of the Gospel and long for His coming again.
- The Lord will come again and sit on the seat of Judgment. Everyone who dies will bodily rise again and stand in front of the Lord’s judgment seat; all who believe in Christ, as the righteous who will enter into eternal blessing, all who do not believe in Christ, as the unrighteous who will be separated from God and receive eternal punishment. In the end, the Lord will make everything new and deliver the Kingdom up to God the Father.